Wednesday, August 3, 2011

No Girls Allowed (Sweet Valley Kids)

#57 in the Sweet Valley Kids series, it's one of the greatest stories ever told. It was published and read by millions so it must mean something.

This is the Wakefield twins, Elizabeth and Jessica. They looks exactly alike.
But they have totally different personalities. I mean, look at all the stuff they like.

It totally clashes. How can they possibly be twins, right? I know, I wonder about this all the time. Liz loves Todd. They're best friends. Jessica doesn't like him.

Liz is on the soccer team with Todd. The opposing team had this freakishly tall boy and he couldn't believe that there were girls on the Sweet Valley Elementary soccer team. What a joke. Todd went to tie his shoe lace while Jason, the tall boy made fun of the Sweet Valley Team. Gee, Todd is sure having a lot of trouble tying his shoe lice.

Liz was determined to kick bottoms with the Sweet Valley team. The Slammers didn't stand a chance against them. Hello, Sweet Valley has the amazing Liz Wakefield. She's excellent at everything-- wait a second. They lost?!

WTH Liz?! You were goalie as well. Were you dozing when the ball was going towards the net? You should be ashamed. You're supposed to be the amazing Elizabeth Wakefield. You let the whole team down.

You REALLY let Todd down. Ken nudged Todd to tell Liz what they really think of her. You just lost one game too many.


Just Kidding. Sweet Valley Kids would never end like that, but I assume you know what happens next so I won't bother telling the rest of the story.

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